Introduction and objective: This review examines the role of supplements, such as
vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, iron, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and probiotics, in
managing various ADHD symptoms. It aims to identify possible alternatives or
additions to commonly used treatments to improve the alleviation of the
physiological signs of ADHD. Description of the state of knowledge: Attention-
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is one of the most common diagnoses made by
psychiatrists in children and adolescents. Its symptoms can vary between
patients but most often include inattentiveness, distractibility, hyperactivity, and
impulsiveness. Many medications registered for the treatment of this disorder
can induce unpleasant side effects. The broad spectrum of supplements may be
beneficial for ADHD patients and alleviate troublesome symptoms.
Supplementation intake has been previously proven helpful in managing various
psychiatric disorders. This instills optimism that they may also have a positive
impact on people with ADHD. Summary: The reviewed studies found many
indications that oral intake of the supplements mentioned above may be
beneficial for patients with ADHD. Nevertheless, this is still a fairly novel area,
and more research is required to fully explore the potential advantages they may
bring to managing this disorder.
Keywords: Attention-deficit hyperactive disorder; supplements; vitamin D; zinc;
magnesium; iron; polyunsaturated fatty acids; probiotics