Introduction: Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory disease that occurs mainly
in women of reproductive age. It can cause severe pelvic pain and make it
difficult to get pregnant. The severity of symptoms and possible complications
depend on the size and location of the lesions. Women with deep endometriosis
are at risk for serious urological complications arising from surgical
interventions. The Aim: This work shows how serious complications can occur in
people with endometriosis. Case Report: This work presents a 31-year-old female
patient with endometriosis of the deep pelvic organs. Due to endometriosisrelated
infertility, the patient opted for radical resection of the endometriosis
lesions. The patient developed urosepsis after surgery. Results: In the case of
resection of endometriosis lesions in the pelvis, the possibility of urinary tract
infections must be taken into account. The patient's condition should be
monitored, appropriate care should be prescribed, the infection should be
controlled, and appropriate antimicrobial therapy should be administered.
Conclusions: When complications such as urosepsis occur after surgery, effective
and immediate treatment including antimicrobial therapy is most important. It is
necessary to prevent recurrent infections.
Keywords: Endometriosis, urosepsis, urostomies