Taking Care of Critical Burned Patients: Nursing Practice
Alves Ana Isabel, Freitas Carlos, Viveiros Abel, Barreto Luis, Goncalves Ricardo, Jardim Rui, Pereira Juan, Sousa Alexandra, Ascensao Ana Filipa, Ribeiro Leonardo, Jardim Ana Cristina
Burns are injuries caused by agents that result in varying levels of tissue loss and cause physical and emotional damage to patients and their families. The burned patient needs health care from a multiprofessional team, including differentiated nursing care in order to have a functional physical and psycho-social recovery as soon as possible
Medical Science, 2018, 22(93), 439-443
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Effect of the time interval between administering midazolam and ketamine on delirium after gynecologic surgeries: A randomized parallel clinical trial
Hashem Jarineshin, Fereydoon Fekrat, Saeed Kashani, Mehrdad Malekshoar, Majid Vatankhah
Ketamine as a dissociative agent can induce dreaming and hallucinations during revival, which have limited its use in adults. The co-administration of midazolam, however, has been clearly shown to attenuate the perceptual abnormalities and thought disorders induced by ketamine.